
Architecture / 2013


Client, Università degli studi di Ferrara

Site area, 13.000 m2   

Built area, 6.000 m2

Structure and MEP: General Planning

Urbanism and landscape design: Paola Sturla

Acoustics: Acusticastudio

Sustainability: Elisabetta Caregnato

Project for the Medicine Faculty of University of Ferrara at the Cona-Ferrara Hospital. The building is on two floors and one basement . The program includes, one conference hall, didactic rooms, cafeteria, library, study rooms and free opens spaces for student, administrations office, professor studios. The rooms for the didactic are divisible. The constructive system is in prefabricated concrete, the coartai wall façade is protected by a vertical alluminium brisesoleil system. The external spaces and the terrrace hold the users and protect the building as a delice garden.

Lorenzo Gaetani Design - Unife@Cona Lorenzo Gaetani Design - Unife@Cona Lorenzo Gaetani Design - Unife@Cona Lorenzo Gaetani Design - Unife@Cona Lorenzo Gaetani Design - Unife@Cona Lorenzo Gaetani Design - Unife@Cona Lorenzo Gaetani Design - Unife@Cona Lorenzo Gaetani Design - Unife@Cona Lorenzo Gaetani Design - Unife@Cona